In the News

Hastings People's Assembly (Re)launch
10th March 2022
Our Housing
Our Rising Cost of Living
We are relaunching the Hastings People’s Assembly; having already been out on the streets and in the local press, we are pleased to invite you to the first meeting. This will be on Thursday March 10th at 7 pm via zoom, please register here to get the link.
Health in Hastings is worse than surrounding areas and, within Hastings, there are huge differences between richer and poorer parts of the town. In one road in Baird ward, for example, life expectancy is 10 years more at the end with more money than at the end where people have least. And those with the least money are more likely to be ill or disabled.
Our NHS is at breaking point and we will always stand for protection of the NHS against cuts and privatisation but health is about more than our health services, it is about wealth and poverty, about the quality and security of our homes and our jobs, pensions or social security.
We invite you to hear from a local NHS campaigner and someone who will also talk about the National People’s Assembly. We want to share experiences and ideas about our health, our health services and why it makes a difference to bring the issues together.
Joining us will be Laura Pidcock, National Secretary of People's Assembly and former Labour MP. Since losing her North West Durham seat in 2019, Laura has committed to prioritising political work at the community and trade union levels, to strengthen the Movement for justice for all.